

Without a lot of work, few pasta dishes hold the same appeal as ravioli.  There is nothing quite like biting into a soft noodle overlay to unleash a mound of cheeses, some steaming chopped beef, or small chucks of seafood.  It is like the hidden treasure within.  Now, imagine will you, not having to boil the noodles, hoping for just the right timing, so as not to make the noodles too chewy, and then trying to figure out the right sauce.  We have taken care of the hard part, and done the matching for you.  With one of our Chef Boyardee or Venice canned ravioli options, we have paired the perfect sauce to the perfect raviolis, so you are already more than halfway done.  If you want to be even more adventurous yet, Aunt Kittys offers a meat sauce to adorn your pasta.